Persuasive Essay On Special Education

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Not only does it take extraordinary teachers to teach Special Education students, but the team of individuals collaborating with them is equally as important. Special Education is specifically designed teaching that is provided at no cost to a child’s parents that is designed to meet each child’s unique needs in school. To assist in equal education opportunities for those with all types of disabilities, parents, teachers and school administration work together implementing strategies such as inclusion, universal design and partnerships such as school nurses, occupational therapists, speech pathologists and more. Teachers are required to adapt their teaching and apply universal design to their classroom instruction to accommodate all students. According to Exceptional Lives: Special Education in Today’s Schools, approximately 6…show more content…
Broken up into three parts consisting of part A, B and C, the law is applied from child birth through the age of twenty-one. Part A provides free public education to all students with disabilities. Next, combining the disability category and functional approach for children ages three through twenty-one pertains to part B. This covers categories ranging from learning disabilities, autism, emotional disturbances, ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) and many more. Lastly, part C provides each state the prudence to serve children between birth to three years of age. All state have opted to grant early intervention services to those who exhibit developmental delays in their physical, communication, cognitive, social or emotional development. Early intervention is also offered to those who have been identified as having a mental or physical provision that has an elevated likelihood of resulting in developmental

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