Personal Writing Essay: My Writing Story

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My Writing Story Everyone is a writer, some write stories for the world to read, others have ideas they never quite write. Personally, I have always been more of a closet writer. When I write I usually separate myself to be somewhere private to do so and after finishing a writing I have rarely shared with others. This is a collection of my experiences that have shaped me as a writer and given me a vision for what I wish to achieve in academic writing. Children often have all sorts of dreams they come up with for what they want to be when they grow up. Among my memories of dreams of becoming Indiana Jones, or a pitcher for the New York Yankees, was my dream of becoming a writer. This dream of becoming a writer was one of my earliest dreams…show more content…
In the writing class I started to learn about developing my own writing process, through creating out lines that contained my ideas point by point, writing multiple drafts, revising, editing, and even reflecting on my finished project. I started to find a voice in my academic writings as well, especially when I received an assignment to right a persuasive-research paper. After some thinking I settled on a topic which I felt connected to, and the stars seemed to align as I wrote this paper on gambling in sports I found myself dig deep into the topic and gained a great passion for the ideas that came together in those pages. For the first time I wasn’t embarrassed to share my writing with the people around me because I had finally found a voice of my own. This was a new beginning for me and I was excited at the prospect of future writing…show more content…
I have taken less time to plan my paper focusing most of my early efforts on writing a thesis statement and an introduction with a nice hook. I have started focusing on employing key sentences throughout the body of my papers that act like mini thesis statements at the beginning of each paragraph and have found that doing so has helped me to write with better purpose instead of drifting around my paper. I have also recently found myself thinking about the way I want to conclude my papers as I begin them. I think I have just come to realize the importance of having an end goal in mind in my
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