The Importance Of Literacy

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What does the word “literacy” actually mean? Literacy is defined as “the ability to read and write.” This is suitably how I would define literacy too. Just like the whole world, I also have had a very long and exciting literacy life. My literacy life started when I was a little baby and is continuing on now with this essay. Literacy is a very important aspect in my life, and it definitely is a helpful the more we learn about it. During my early education, my literacy classes always had motivated me. My reading ability began when I was a little kid. I can’t remember all the way back to when I was a baby for obvious reasons, but one of the first things I do remember learning from when I was a kid is, in my opinion, one of the most significant things I have ever learn, and that is the Alphabet. Not only do I remember learning the alphabet by singing it in preschool and kindergarten, but I remember…show more content…
Obviously, all my English teachers and many others enjoyed or at least appreciated my reading. A poem I wrote was put on television once. I must have been a pretty good writer. Unfortunately, the graders of the tenth-grade proficiency test didn't feel the same, and when students fail the test, the state of Georgia doesn't offer any explanation. After I failed the test the first time, I began to hate writing, and I started to doubt myself. I doubted my ability and the ideas I wrote about. Failing the second time made things worse, so perhaps to protect myself from my doubts, I stopped taking English seriously. Perhaps because of that lack of seriousness, I earned a 2 on the Advanced Placement English Exam, barely passed the twelfth-grade proficiency test, and was placed in developmental writing in college. I wish I knew why I failed that test, because then I might have written what was expected on the second try, maintained my enthusiasm for writing, and continued to do
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