Essay On Amos And Rubertha Taylor By Clare Amos

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The background from which an author or reader comes from can have an influence on their interpretation of the text. Two authors, Clare Amos and Rubertha Taylor, due to their past and present experiences, may choose to interpret biblical text in contrasting ways. Amos’ present life in Beirut and Damascus and Taylor’s cultural history can leave lasting impressions on their ideals causing the text to mean something different for each of them. Clare Amos states that “in the early years of our marriage my husband and I lived and worked in Beirut and Damascus…” (Amos 29). Because of this new found connection with the Middle East, Amos comes to understand varying cultures and languages. Language, in many cultures and religions is essential when…show more content…
Had she had written this essay, after not experiencing the new land she came to live in, her writing might have been altered in a drastic way. While Amos was able to experience the background from which she later went to interpret text based upon, Taylor had not. Taylor comes from an African-American background. So while her essay comparing Isaiah to African-American slaves (stating that her grandfather was one), she has not herself witnessed what she is contributing to. Stories may have been told to Taylor about times when slavery was a custom; however, without the personal experiences, this essay becomes a secondary source leaving question as to the correct comparison of the two time periods. Another difference between the two is their sense of identity. Amos, who only states to live in the Middle East, never accepts her identity as that. While Amos does not, Taylor does. Taylor identifies herself with those that she is writing about and this can change her perspective. Identity, especially relating to the written subject, can cause an author/reader to connect more with the text. Taylor finds herself more concerned and passionate about Isaiah and a cry for help when she knows that her own family have been the ones in the same positions as the

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