Personal Reflection: Personal Aspects Of Solving Students In Learning

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In terms of communicating with students(3a), I think I delivered a clear expectation of the day’s goal at the end of the lesson. Nevertheless, I feel as though I did not make a strong connection between socks and counting numbers up to 20. We counted red stripes on my shirt, but it had only four stripes. We could have counted all the stripes for the students who need practice counting between 10 and 20. I also could have shown the numerals (1~20) while they counted the stripes. Every morning, when a student counts the number of classmates, I point the numerals on the board. In terms of engaging students in learning, I feel that I gained attention from the students during introduction by using the lost sock. Then I intended to give everyone a chance to justify their answers as the sock searches the lost match. However, I felt some students were losing their attention. I thought that I needed to shorten the large group activity. Therefore, I was not able to give everyone a chance to come in front of the class to answer the question posed by the sock. Instead, I picked several target students who need improvements counting. Usually these students are reluctant to…show more content…
Instead, I provided various counting activities throughout the classroom. Seven students participated in counting stripes/dots on the sock activity; XXXXX were counting real socks, money, play foods at the dramatic area; XXXX counted numbers as they wash clothes at the water table; XXXXX counted Lego pieces at the toys and games table. XXXXX students counted the chocolate chips on their granola bars. Because there is a wide range of the students’ ability between three and five, I found that one-on-one works the best to help the students learn. For this particular activity, I invited two students at a time, so I had meaningful interaction to assess their current counting skill and challenge them to learn next

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