Piaget's Role In Cognitive Development

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1.0 Introduction This journal discussed about how employability embedded within courses to prepare students for their transition into the world of work or postgraduate study, identifying the teaching and learning strategies employed (Graham, 2017). In this study assessed employability skills desired as the roles of work placement tutor from the perspectives of related groups such as university, students and employers. This paper described the methodology employed, results of the study and conclusions from analysis of findings. Therefore, this is indirectly exposed Employability to 4SITE which are consists of student, institution, tutor and also employer. 2.0 Literature Review This paper mainly focuses on reporting and analysis of actual employability…show more content…
Piaget’s theory is eventually developed four distinct stages in children such as sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational and formal ( Biehler and Snowman, 1997, pp. 52-57 ). The theory is based on how the mind processes new information encountered through interactions with the environment. However, many criticisms of Piaget’s work are on conceptual as well as methodological grounds. Basseches (1997) suggested that structuralism dominates in Piaget’s work. Formal operational thought involved making decisions based on experience. This implies that the dialectical interplay of assimilation and accommodation ends with formal operational thought. Labouvie-Vief and Riegel stated that formal operations been deemed to be limited by its abstractness and removal from everyday problem and solving ( Tennant, 1997, pp. 67-68). This is due to which it defy structural analysis of feelings and beliefs. According to Broughton, Piaget’s theory is portrayed as being an outgrowth of liberal…show more content…
Vygotsky’s theory was to be more important to the teaching of marketability with more interventions from teacher roles and scaffolding responses. Moreover, Employability emphasizes that market confidence was more about personal attributes than just getting a job. The change in the definition of marketability has become a model backup and framework for marketability. This is because, the market from demand-led skills towards a more holistic view of the nature of graduates, personal qualities as well as knowledge were parallel with the definition of
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