Essay On Why Abortion Should Be Illegal

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According to the merriam-webster Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus. Abortion should be illegal. Even though Abortion can be used for medical purposes, Abortion should be illegal. Abortion should be illegal because abortions can cause emotional damage, no human being has the right to take another human being’s life, and it may lead to future medical problems for the mother. The country does not acknowledge abortion. However, if someone see the lawful violation of torment to the unwanted child and the pain society has to bear then this topic would not be so debatable. Too many people do not see the effect that abortions cause. It is a very dangerous offence that affects the mother, father, the community, and most importantly, the fetus, and that is why abortion should be illegal in The Bahamas. The fetus is an innocent human life whose only protection in the world is its mother's womb can no longer feel protected because even its…show more content…
Abortion can emotionally affect each woman differently. Some women report a sense of break after having an abortion. The reasons for a break also vary from woman to woman. Emotional and psychological effects following abortion are more common than physical side effects and can range from mild regret to more serious complications such as depression. It is important to discuss these risks with a trained professional who can address your questions and concerns. The emotional side effects of having an abortion are just as real as physical side effects. It is possible for anyone to experience an unexpected emotional or psychological side effect following an abortion. Women commonly report that the abortion procedure affected them more than they expected. However, some individuals are more susceptible to experiencing some type of emotional or psychological

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