Hitler's Motivation For Anti Semitism

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Many people may believe that the only reason for Hitler’s anti-Semitism beliefs are caused by the bitter loss from World War 1. The truth is that there are many reasons for the roots of Hitler’s belief in anti-Semitism. Hitler’s Austrian background, European History, and beliefs in Aryan Superiority are the roots of his strong motivation for anti-Semitism. Even in today’s world, the Germans are often blamed for the mass murder of Jews, also known as the Holocaust. Anti-Semitism is the hatred or discrimination towards the Jewish race. Many people don’t know this, but Hitler was born and raised in Austria, where he began the practice of anti-Semitism. In the 1920’s-1940’s, Hitler’s motivation for anti-Semitism was from his Austrian background,…show more content…
His parents were Alois Hitler (Father) and Klara Polzl (Mother). The move from Braunau Am Inn to Vienna was the beginning of Hitler’s anti-Semitism beliefs. The mayor of Vienna, Karl Lueger, was an extremely anti-Semitic person. He wanted the hatred of Jews to be widespread around the world and eliminate them as a race. The move from Braunau Am Inn to Vienna, caused Hitler to follow the steps of Karl Leuger. As a growing politician, Hitler began to practice this belief. The incredibly popular mayor or Vienna, Karl Lueger, used anti-Semitic propaganda during his reign to further his political career. Many still question the epicenters of anti-Semitism in Europe. The answer to that question may be Paris and Vienna. The bigoted mayor in Vienna, Karl Lueger, became Hitler’s inspiration and role model since Hitler was also trying to become a politician. Many historians believe that the distrust and hatred of Jews are as old as Jewry itself. It is said that during the Middle Ages, when magic and witchcraft were well alive, anyone who was different was a suspect. Jews at the time were different and would dress differently: therefore, they were suspect. The history of anti-Semitism lead to Karl Lueger’s hatred of Jews which lead to Adolf Hitler’s belief in…show more content…
As mentioned above, distrust and hatred of Jews is nearly as old as Jewry itself. Due to witchcraft and magic in the Middle Ages, the different people (Jews) were often referred to as the suspects. The founding of the Nazi Party (German’s Workers Party) in 1920 transformed the German Volkisch or radical nationalist anti-Semites into a political movement. It is said to be believed that when the Black Death swept Europe in the 1340s, the superstitious citizens attributed the deadly plague to the work of Satan, which marked by their reputation as Christ-Killers. Like all anti-Semites in Germany, Adolf Hitler blamed the Jews for the bitter loss of World War One in 1918. Hitler didn’t directly blame the Jews for their loss of World War One. He blamed the Jew for how badly they ended it. When the Treaty of Versailles was to be passed at the end of World War one, the German parliament had to pass it to the Kaiser to sign. Many of the members in the German parliament were of Jewish decent, therefore Hitler blamed the Jews for not negotiating more on the behalf of Germany. After the war, Germany ended up with the full blame of the war, with $33 Billion in debt and half of their land given away.

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