Personal Narrative

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On 9 April 2011, my life changed as I enthusiastically said “I do” to the love of my life. The dearest moment to me at the time, was the most emotional I thought I would ever have to encounter. As we danced the night away Tyler (my love) and I felt invincible and capable to endure whatever was thrown our way. Life has a way of bringing you off that high horse and knocking sense into you. We all know life and death goes hand in hand, but what I didn’t know was that it can be snatched from you and leave you wondering what’s next. “While I thought I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die.” Tyler was in the service and ended up getting stationed in Germany, he felt like he couldn’t go to the grocery by…show more content…
Tyler walked out the bathroom wiping his hands on that ratty towel he kept on him, his face lit up and yet he still looked heartbroken. I finally wiped the sleep from my eyes and screamed. How could I forget that I was a soon to be mother?! How could anyone forget that they were bearing a blessing?! How could I be so selfish?! Tyler ran over to comfort me and whisper I’m assuming what were comforting words but I just couldn’t hear him over the voices in my head. I asked him what happened to wee Tyler and he just stared at me and shook his head. I didn’t know what else to do but fall back into a…show more content…
With me pondering these question I never realized that I had ran bath water and soothing music was playing in the background. I finally just stopped all the voices and observed my surroundings, I seen the SEAL combat switch blade, the glass of Roscato, and my reflection in the glossy tile. “DO IT!” was the last thing I heard before I slit my arm and sank into the tub. How can one contemplate suicide and yet not finish the job? Tyler had just arrived home and ended up rushing me the hospital, instead of pink faded walls I got demoted to pasty white walls and a monitor on my leg. I saw the hurt in my husband’s eyes and knew that I had royalty screwed up. I vowed that from that day forth and every new day I get to breath I will make the best out of it. I will be grateful for a loving and supportive husband. I will do everything in my power to help anyone who feels like scum understand that they have a purpose. CARING ARMS was brought from my stupid decision, my husband and I decided to team up with other mothers who have lost a child and for others in general who have contemplated ending their lives. It’s a work in progress and still not national yet (still over in Germany, Tyler is watching over it until I can get back) but in a few years you will see that name bright and full of survivors! I endured a lot and I feel like
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