Personal Narrative Analysis

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Growing up in generation where technology is constantly growing and changing, it’s hard not to have some interest in the development. Seeing my dad always working with computers and enjoying his job was what sparked my interest. When I was 6, my dad brought home an old laptop from his workplace and rather than using it to play educational games like I was supposed to, I spent most of my time exploring everything there was to display on the screen. Although I didn’t understand anything at the time, it was mind-blowing how a couple clicks of the mouse could erase my dad’s work and reset my brother’s progress in his game. From that point on, my love for computers only grew. As a child, I struggled with problems that had more than one solution…show more content…
There isn’t a straightforward solution. There are a plethora of ways one can choose to produce a certain command. To understand coding, it requires one to recognize that there are multiple possibilities and solutions. I was never able to apply this concept into real-world situations until the beginning of my sophomore year. As the Halloween decorations started to fade away and the turkeys started to roll in, some of my church scout members and decided to plan a Thanksgiving dinner to bond with our church leaders and new members. Being a “Doi Truong”, or team leader, and I assumed the responsibility of planning the event with my fellow members. Just as I would approach a coding project, I started to plan out how I wanted the dinner to be executed. Starting off with a general idea of the location, date, and list of attendees, then working down to the specifics of time, food, and activities. From this point, the “class” and “objects” of the project are created, and the basics of the dinner are covered. As “methods” are designed to perform one specific operation in a project, I assigned my members to committees where they could utilize their skills and strengths to help carry out a perfect dinner. After realizing that I had made some mistakes in the process of planning the event, I had to retrace my steps to understand the problem and make last minute changes to make things work. If anything went wrong, the code wouldn’t “compile” and the

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