energy is the minimum amount of energy required for any given chemical reaction to be initiated ( The catalyst that performs within the body is a macromolecule, called an enzyme (Book). There are three categories of macromolecules including nucleic acids, carbohydrates and proteins. The macromolecule, the enzyme is classified under the protein category ( Enzymes are reaction specific meaning that they are the determinants of
The following section will discuss the morphology of neat (pure compound) polymers. Morphology is the study of shape, form and structure of a material on a multidimensional level. The morphology of a polymer gives rise to its properties and explains why polymers behave differently for added clay nanoparticles. Polymer Molecular Structure Polymers consist of small repeating structural units called monomers. Likewise, monomers comprise of small organic molecules of hydrocarbons that can chemically bind
The Rate of Living Theory The rate of living theory has a long history, dating as early back as Aristotle in 350 BC. However it wasn’t until 1908, when Rubner showed that, despite the varying life-spans of the 5 different mammalian species tested, each gram of body tissue expended the same amount of energy (~200 calories) before it died; that the theory gained any traction. In his book, published in 1922, a scientist called Raymond Pearl proposed that if we only have a set energy expenditure in
CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 SERUM ALBUMIN Among all the proteins present in blood plasma, Albumin is the most abundant extracellular protein. This is also the most extensively studied of all proteins accounting for about 57 - 60% of the total proteins, which corresponds to a concentration of about 42 g/L [1, 2]. It also provides about 80% of the osmotic pressure of the blood [1] and is used as a model protein for most of the biophysical, biochemical and physicochemical studies [2]. These proteins
Different ways are just the ways in which a property can differ among polymers, it do not divide them. A polymer belonging to one classification will surely belong to another classification. A synthetic polymer, which is also a type of classification, is classified on the basis of other properties in other classifications. Since we know