Personal Narrative

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This moment in my life not only changed it, but made me a new person. I used to take a lot of things for granted, like a perfect family, good health, and other things that I never was thankful for. Three years ago my family and three other friends were on our way to Albuquerque for the USSA Fall Baseball Classic tournament, when we were in a horrible accident. About five miles after the Las Cruces checkpoint we had a tire blowout on the front left tire which slid us to the left of the road across the median into oncoming traffic. Luckily we missed all of the traffic, then the truck rolled a total of four times with eight people in the vehicle including me. I was not wearing a seat belt, so on the second roll I was ejected from…show more content…
I heard my dad yelling “Scotty!” I yelled back saying “here!” My mom looked like she had just been in a fight, bruised and bleeding and probably had a concussion. My brother had cut his ear half off but with such an adrenaline rush he didn’t even feel it until I told him. When I was ejected I knocked out one of my friends with my knee. But my other friends were fine, just in shock. I was taken to providence by helicopter and the rest of my family and friends were taken to a Las Cruces hospital by ambulance. I had to stay overnight so they could monitor me through the night to make sure I was fine. The night was long and cold all I could think about was how my family and friends were doing. Since the car accident I hadn’t seen them or talked to them. At around 3:00 a.m. In the morning I got a call from my grandmother’s phone and it was my mom since my mom lost hers in the car accident. She asked if I was doing okay and told me everybody there was fine and being released. I was released at 8:30 a.m. in the morning fine just sore. My mom had a concussion and some cuts on her head and shoulder. My dad had a cut on his head from…show more content…
Family stormed into my house when we were all back home to see us to make sure we were all okay. When people saw the pictures of the vehicle they wondered how we were all okay and how I was not severely injured. After about one hundred “Scotty you are very lucky!” I realized I could have lost my family and my life at that moment. Family, or your life can easily be taken away and you can’t do anything about it. It would just be “a part of life” that isn’t always fair but you have to live through it. I began to be very thankful for my family and my health. Not all people are as lucky as me and they lose a family member or are badly hurt and their life is changed. I feel really bad for those people and want to help anybody with those problems, because I could have been in their shoes. All people are equal and if one person is hurt, another person should help them. It’s not their fault that event happened to them and you should help them! Everybody should be grateful and thankful that they have a family and great health. Not everybody has that. Having a family is a gift that not everybody has. Imagine living without parents
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