Person Centred Care

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The practice of Person Centred Care (PPC) can be defined in many ways. One of the best ways of describing PCC is, ‘It is very much about considering the patients’ point of view and circumstances in the decision-making process, and goes well beyond simple setting goals with the patient’ (Ponte et al, 2003). PPC can also be described as it supports involvement of the patients and their families in the decision-making about the options that are available. This provides them with more confidence in their treatments and encourages them to continue on with it. When implementing the practice, doctors and nurses assume that the patient is able to make decisions and choices they need and want to make. A big part of PCC is to allow the patient to be…show more content…
To describe confidentiality it is about ensuring that all healthcare staff must respect the confidentiality of all patients/clients. All professionals must ensure that the patient understands why the breach of confidentiality has or is going to happen. 'You must disclose information if you believe someone may be at risk of harm, in line with the law of the country in which you are practicing' (NMC Code, 2010). Many experts believe that confidentiality is the key to form a trust in a relationship between Patients and Health Care Professionals. In a working environment information will be shared when a nurse is getting a second opinion from a Doctor. Before doing so the member of Healthcare staff must ensure that the patient is fully aware of the situation. If the patient is under the age of 16 or has a mental illness, a family member/guardian must be fully aware of the situation and the reason why the information about that individual is being shared. Within the principles of nursing practice it explains to colleagues, patients, or those associated with the patients what to expect. The use of principles A and D contradict with the keeping of confidentiality. Principle D reinforces the themes of person-centered care and patient involvement in care. While principle A is more directed towards dignity, diversity and equality. The way confidentiality relates to the principles is that confidentiality is central to the relationship between the patient and Healthcare Worker. It provides them with an open and honest relationship with effective communication from both parties, this helps them to make the best decisions possible for the patient and their

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