Personal Narrative: Marine Corps Failure

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The Collins English Dictionary defines failure as “a person or thing that is unsuccessful or disappointing.” I experienced failure during recruit training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego. My aspirations to become a Marine were in serious jeopardy when I injured my arms on Training Day 45. The injury resulted from a failure to properly buckle the hip belt that distributes the weight of the pack to my waist. Consequently, nearly one hundred pounds of pressure pinched the nerves in my shoulders, which resulted in the immobility of my arms. This incident extended my boot camp experience by another twelve weeks in the Medical Rehabilitation Platoon (MRP) where I learned a great deal about will power, inner strength and the effect that positive thinking can have. I experienced numerous physical and emotional challenges during my time in MRP. I entered boot camp completing twenty pull ups, but after the injury I couldn’t lift my arms above my chest or even grip a fork. My arms hung like soft spaghetti, and I feared I would never be able to use them again. I joined the Marine Corps to set a solid foundation for my future success and I was afraid I would never complete that goal. This injury meant more than just powerless arms. My plans in life would change juristically if I returned home an unsuccessful recruit and a…show more content…
I would need assistance with any daily task such as brushing my teeth or putting on a shirt. These kinds of thoughts brought me down into a deep depression and I questioned my self-worth. Around this time I received a letter from my sister that changed my overall attitude. Her letter read, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.” These words lifted me from a hole of self-pity and sadness and brought the positive light I needed to overcome my

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