Case Management Model

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Case management in Australia is important in the delivery of human services and the issue surrounding its limitation is based on a defunct perspective due to caseworks capacity to improve the field of human services. In this essay it is argued that case management models are fundamental to the efficacy of human services delivery in a contemporary and a prudent manner. Six main arguments are presented that discuss the case management models for the aged care and child protection sectors. First a discussion that describes the person-centred model that case workers use in the aged care sector. Research shows that person-centred approaches whilst important in the human services field have a dark side if abused, underfunded and or overstressed.…show more content…
This philosophy plays an important role in that the structures that are created and supported give the client (person), sector (aged care) and model (case work) more capacity to identify strategies that respond to people’s needs. In addition, this capacity identifies the systemic deficiencies for example; the supply and demand that encumbers case management as the demand for service resource grows thinly. The strength based approach gives an alternative approach to human services by empowering the social environment or informal care for the client in order to again enhance self-reliance or independence. This enhancement is indicative of case management’s importance within the human services ability to improve its delivery (Moore…show more content…
For example, a subjective manner would indicate the feelings and satisfaction levels of all invested in the case and the objective indicators would include the preoccupation with assessments, planning, engagement and outcomes (Kemp, Marcenko, Lyons & Kruzich 2014). Moore (2009) suggests that a rational planning and intervention model within the child protection sector involves a professional developmental sensitivity towards the social factors that influence the family breakdowns. For example, the cultural differences and the socioeconomic status based on race, health, well-being, income, education; and occupation can generally illustrate the reasons that endanger children. In addition, deeper considerations within the informal networks such as the family and extended family that underpin the problem are evidently improved with a strengths based/person centered or “person environment perspective” (Mooer 2009, p. 369) as opposed to a continual monitoring approach (Moore 2009; Kemp et al. 2014). Thus child protection case management whilst formally legislated in protecting the child and determining suitable care is interceptive with urgency at hand. The sector with its case management model attempts to improve the whole family situation with active participation at its base for effective, ecologically good results when able
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