Patient Safety Essay

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The policies and procedures established by the Public Health in the Supreme Council of Health to ensure infection control at the Hospitals and health centers and make sure that there is no transmission of diseases and epidemics, both from patients to healthy people or patients to patients. but what if their ware spread of disease in the hospital (Beih, H., & Hamdi, A.,2015). Description I've noticed that number of nurses and doctors do not pay attention to the Pictures that placed on the patient's door which shows the type of protection used with each patient and what should be applied to all patients at all times. More than that, this this production sing was given from the infection control time to preventing patients from infection, not to mention the other staff in the same section. I saw nurses interring patient rooms with DROPLET, AIRBORNE, even…show more content…
Furthermore, it falls in the workers to follow the instructions and guidelines for safety health and commitment by using personal protective equipment during work. More than that, children have a tendency to have poor immunity compared with adults’ immune systems. As well there are many vaccines against that the children can’t have them (Bender., Virgallito., Newland., Sammons., Thorell., Coffin., & ... Hersh., 2015). For that, we need to be more careful with them I blive that Hand hygiene is vital practices that should be a rotten in nursing profusion in all time associated with the use of PPE use. According to Samson-Akpan., & Bassey (2015) remove protective equipment properly and disposed in the trash and wash your hands before and after using gloves before touching the patient and also sterilize equipment used with patients such as blood pressure devices has a significant impact on reducing the incidence of infection is not among

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