Evidence Based Practice

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It is essential for individuals to remain healthy at all times so they must uphold optimal health and quality of life wherein providing care is a prerogative. In alleviating a person’s pain appropriate nursing care must be rendered to a patient by providing comfort or giving medications. For this reason nurses plays a vital role because they provide care that focuses on treating diseases to improve the quality of life of a patient. In implementing good nursing practice, nursing research must be based on an evidence-based area of practice. Health care professionals especially the nurses are the ones responsible in seeking information’s from their patients as well as the families of the patient. In providing an informed clinical decisions, evidence-based…show more content…
It was stated that ritual promotes understanding of the subtle practices of daily life that makes us who we are and also makes others who they are. Rituals are acts which serve to solidify social order and role functions and also involve symbols. An interesting view was expressed by Parissopoulus, Tiimins and Daly (as cited in McSherry, 2002, p. 1) commented that over the past 25 years there is a discussion that outdated rituals of the past needs to be replaced by evidence-based practice. Furthermore, Greenway (2014) pointed out that ritual is also often associated with religious practices that is viewed negatively and it is usually defined as a routine behaviour that is associated with emotions and beliefs rather than a person’s thought or…show more content…
To improve the way the health care is supplied to the public the necessary tool used is the point of care and the availability of evidence-based practice. An interesting view was expressed by Amend and Golden (2011) (as cited in Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt, 2005, p. 6) stated that evidence-based practice is a “problem-solving approach to clinical practice that integrates a systematic search for and clinical appraisal of the most relevant evidence to answer a burning clinical question; one’s own clinical expertise; and, patient preferences and values” (p.303). Even though evidence-based practice can be difficult to acquire in relation with the point of care it can still address preventive recommendations and can used to improve outcomes to be able to provide better partnership between the patient and the provider. This is an excellent way to integrate it into the plan of care and bring current research-based information to

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