Evidence Based Practice Analysis

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The origin and early development of Evidence-Based Clinical Practice started in the 1970s at the McMaster University in Canada (Tammy Hoffman, Sally Bennett & Chris Del Mar, 2013). Evidence-based clinical practice (EBCP) is a new approach to health-care practice that specifically recognises the quality of the evidence that relates to every patient’s care management, the value of that evidence, the pros and cons of viable alternative management strategies, and the role of patients' values and preferences in weighing up to those pros and cons. (McMaster University EBCP Workshop, 2015). In this essay the author critically analyses the benefits and limitations of evidence- based practice and strategies for integration of evidence based practice.…show more content…
Koehn and Lehman (2008) states that institutional barriers such as lack of support by the institutions, financial constraints, research consultants and other priority goals of healthcare organizations can limit the utilization of evidence based practice. Registered nurses and other health care providers should be educated to read, understand and critically interpret advancement in research and they should know where to find the necessary information which relate to their area of practice. Also they should be aware of how to assess the required information easily and determine its applicability to their practice (Castledine G, CINHL 97). Another barrier is that the workplace can be reluctant to changing tried and tested true conventional methods of practice. This may be caused due of the reluctance to believe in results of research study over safe and conventional practices, wary of the cost involved in adopting new practices, or gaining enough motivation to rewrite existing pratices (Loyd G, 2008) Strategies to promote evidence-based practice It is now assumed that professionals must be well-informed and up-to-date with the newest knowledge in order to best serve their clients and remain professionally relevant (Gibbs, 2003; Pace, 2008; Patterson et al., 2012). Institutions should play an active role in educating nurses through formal courses, practicing evidence-based practice by conducting original research, reviewing and help spread the research findings will help healthcare providers in the accurate usage of evidences in professional practice (Linton & Prasun, 2013)

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