Tone And Mood In The Short Story 'The Lady, Or The Tiger'

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Ellie McNair English 9-3 Honors 9-28-15 Tone and Mood in Short Stories Many literary terms are used when describing short stories, including tone and mood. Tone is the author’s attitude toward what he is writing about, which is determined based on the word choice and how the author says things in the story. Mood is the emotion that the text creates in the readers. In The Lady, or the Tiger? the author does a better job of communicating tone, as where in The Necklace, mood is shown more clearly. Tone is shown by a variety of different things in the short story The Lady, or the Tiger? The author, Frank Stockton, is thoughtful about the main point of his story. Towards the end, he asks the question “Did the tiger come out of that door, or did

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