NMC Code Of Conduct Analysis

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The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) is an essential document for healthcare professionals to follow. This essay is going to discuss how by adhering to the NMC Code of Conduct, practitioners ensure that their nursing care is safe, compassionate and effective. The NMC was revised and put into place from December 2015 after the Staffordshire hospital scandal. It is a publication that must be abided by every nurse and midwife for them to stay on the register. Nurses and midwives’ fitness to practise is measured against the requirements of the Code. Each individual nurse and midwife must read the revised code and put it into practice. Thompson (2006) said “The code is a professional duty that is required to provide care to people, client or…show more content…
Section 1 of the NMC code states that to treat “people with kindness, respect and compassion”. This quality is massively important as a patient needs to feel safe and at ease when being treated. This is said to be achieved by “respecting and upholding people’s human rights” and “avoid making assumptions and recognise diversity and individual choice”. “Compassionate, competent and justifiable intentional care” Jan Quallington said nursing should be and that “Patients should be confident that every nurse has the right attitude towards care” (Quallington 2012.) Sharon Dingman also developed a caring model in 2002 as part of her master’s degree. The model included five behaviours to ensure that practitioners gave positive care to their patients. The five behaviours were “introduction and explaining your role in their care, call the patient by their preferred name, sit at the bedside for at least five minutes per shift time to review the patients desired outcomes, use touch appropriately and use the mission, vision and value statements in planning”. These simple behaviours make people in hospital feel like they are being treated as an individual rather than one of…show more content…
In section 5 of the code it is said that confidentiality includes “making sure that they are informed about their care and that information about them is shared appropriately”. To achieve this “respect a person’s right to privacy in all aspects of their care make sure that people are informed about how and why information is used and shared by those who will be providing care”. This means that nurses do not discuss patients care or personal details with anyone except for staff that are also involved in their care. All patients have a right to privacy meaning any professionals who reject this will have their job

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