Errors In Medication Administration

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Background- A medication error is an episode associated with use of medication that should be preventable through effective control system. Investigating the incidence, type, and nature of medication errors are very crucial to prevent them. Aim- The study aimed to analyze and ascertain profile and pattern of medication errors among admitted patients in a tertiary care teaching hospital. Methods- The present prospective study was carried out by the Department of Pharmacology in collaboration with the Department of Internal Medicine and Office of Medical Superintendent, MSDS Medical College, Fatehgarh, among the patients admitted to the General medicine ward during October 2013-February 2014. Hospital/medical records, Case sheet of the study…show more content…
Most frequent nursing errors in medication administration was found to be ‘Medication not given’ i.e. Omission error. 67.4% were due to nurses, 22.1% were due to pharmacists and remaining 10.5% were due to physicians. Most of the nurses attributed cause of this error to ‘Repeated distraction’ and ‘High activity duty hours’ 41.4% and 39.6% respectively. Conclusion- A robust surveillance system to detect such medication errors is need of an hour. Competencies of pharmacology department hibernating in a tertiary care teaching institution could be utilized in the early detection and prevention of medication errors and thus can improve the delivery of care quality to the…show more content…
Such errors may be related to the professional practice, healthcare products, procedures, and systems including prescribing, order communication, product labeling, packaging, compounding, dispensing, distribution, administration, education, monitoring and use. In order to reduce the medication errors, it is necessary to know more on the type of medication errors and the stages at which they take place. Three hundred patients were randomly selected and followed up for a period of five months prospectively to investigate profile and pattern of medication errors. The overall incidence of medication errors was found to be 28.3% in the current study. The incidence was higher when compared to other studies, where it ranged from 3 to 17%. Study from south India2 on medication errors in tertiary care hospital showed a mean medication error rate was 17% and one other study carried out by Barker et al6 on medication errors in nursing home and small hospitals showed a mean medication error rate of 12.2% and 11% respectively. It could be due to variation the method followed and variables such as hospital set-up, number of beds, duration of study and number of patients

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