Parenting Styles

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Multiple studies exploration and surveys have been carried out to investigate the effects of parenting styles on adolescents. Parenting style is a dominant factor on determining adolescents’ future; it may have a huge effect on adolescents’ comportment and performance at some point. Psychologist Baumrind (1966) declared that freedom and control is often a paradox, parents have to grasp their demands, repressions and supports on adolescents proficiently. Some studies denote that authoritative parenting is an excellent way of educating the adolescents, but some supposed that authoritarian parenting assists in cultivating the adolescents. On the basis of literatures, academic performance and psychological adjustment of adolescents is the consequence…show more content…
Sewell and Hauster (1980) stated that parental support is the key intermediary of deeply-rooted connection between connection family social class and academic performance (as cited in Buri, 1989). A total of 201 college students were selected and received mailed questionnaire where adolescents received 6, while parents received 2 each. 73 students have been abolished from the survey due to declination of parents to participate and also divorcement of parents. He discovered that punishing dimension and demanding dimension of parents towards adolescents hugely affect adolescents’ self-esteem. The study indicates that authoritarianism is negatively related to adolescents’ self-esteem due to the tendency to constrain and control on adolescents while authoritativeness is positively related to self-esteem due to it’s tendency to expedite adolescents’ involvement and obligation within…show more content…
Based on the results, authoritative parenting style is more endorsed by the researchers as compared to authoritarian and permissive parenting styles. Thus, it is hypothesized that authoritative parenting styles is more beneficial to adolescents’ achievements, for instance academic performance and psychological adjustment such as self-esteem as commentated. The parenting style as the independent variable can be assessed by scales, for example, the acceptance/involvement and the strictness/supervision sub-scale (Milevsky et al., 2006) and the Parental Nurturance Scale (PNS) (Buri, 1989). However, the psychological adjustment, self-esteem can be measured by Tennessee Self-Concept Scale (Fitts, 1965) and Rosernberg Self-esteem Scale (1965). The findings are important in order to help parents to understand adolescents better and educate them with different parenting styles. Besides, it is important to ensure adolescents grow up optimistically with appropriate parenting

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