Three Branches Of Philosophy

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The word Philosophy comes from the Greek word “philo-sophia”, which means love of wisdom. Philosophy is a field study that tries, through the logic and reasoning argumentation, to explain as much knowledge as possible and which is the role of the human being in nature. Since ancient times, philosophy has been dedicated to study the most fundamental concepts and principals related to the thinking, action and reality. The range and methodology of philosophy is not rigid, giving space for all types of interpretations and understandings. Philosophy is a very extensive field study which includes different types of sub-disciplines, for example, ethics, the logic and the metaphysics. To understandmore about what is philosophy, is important to understand…show more content…
It researches the most general structures, thesensesand the purpose of the reality and the being. Some famous authors that dedicated their work to the metaphysics were Aristotle, Kant and Plato. On the other hand, one of the main authorswho fought against this branch was Nietzsche. Another branch of philosophy is the logic. The logic studies the structure of arguments and propositions, both through the research of formal systems of inference and the direct study of the reasoning. Some of the terms included in this branch are fallacies, paradoxes, causality and the reasoning with probability. Some authors who criticized the traditional logical conception were Nietzsche and Hegel. Throughouthistory, knowledge has had a fundamental role in mankind.The epistemology is the branch of the philosophy that studiesthe knowledge and its limitations. This branch of the philosophy tries to answer questions like for example “What is knowledge?” and “How do we get knowledge?” among others. The focus of this field has been always to analyze the nature of knowledge and how this relates to other similar concepts like the truth and belief, and it also relates with the ways of producing knowledge and the skepticism towards…show more content…
The esthetics studies the esthetic reasons and emotions as well asthe differentforms of art.Its main research topics includes the beauty, the sublime, the ugliness or the dissonance. The contemporaneous esthetic is not uniform and considers that the viewer has a strong active role to define what is beauty or not, and this definition is subject to traditions and subjective tastes. The political philosophy and the philosophy of the mind are the lasttwo branches that will be mentioned in this essay. The political philosophy is the branch that is focused in the concept of power, political organizations, the law and the social relation between persons. The philosophy of the mind studies the nature of the mind, its functions and properties, the conscious and the relation of all of this with the physical body. All the philosophical movements, schools of thoughts and beliefs systems are by essence philosophical theories. A philosophical theory is not necessary a scientific theory even though they can integrate empirical and no empirical statements.The theories that will be exposed in this essay will be realism and nominalism, rationalism and empiricism, and
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