Authoritative Parenting Styles

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In the study of Gwen Dewar, Ph.D (2013). The authoritative parenting style is about setting limits, reasoning with kids, and being responsive to their emotional needs. This approach is common in middle class settings throughout the world, and it’s linked with the most successful child outcomes. Kids raised by authoritative parents are more likely to become independent, self-reliant, socially accepted, academically successful, and well-behaved. They are less likely to report depression and anxiety, and less likely to engage in antisocial behavior like delinquency and drug use. Research suggests that having at least one authoritative parent can make a big difference (Fletcher et al 1999). And despite minor controversies, studies consistently…show more content…
Permissive parenting styles show more conflicting results in research about children's emotional and behavioral states than any other parenting style. One study, for instance, shows that children of permissive parents have very low self-esteem compared to their peers, while another study shows that they have high self-esteem. One reason this may be is because permissiveness closely resembles the "gold standard" in parenting: authoritative parenting. Both types are characterized by warmth, nurturing, and responsiveness to the child's needs and desires; however, permissive parenting is typically characterized by a lack of boundaries, while authoritative parents set clear, firm boundaries. The results of permissive parenting style studies vary a great deal among cultures, suggesting that what is considered permissive in one country may actually fall closer to the lines of authoritative parenting in another…show more content…
Walton also mentioned that children need to be understood as guiding principles that govern their conduct in a positive direction. The consequence of a broken rule by a child should be viewed as a life lesson, not punishment for the purpose of obedience. Strong punishment leads to more misbehaviour, rebellion and a constant power struggle. A positive discipline approach is required where a child feels valued as their personal opinions are considered and respected. Self-regulation in a child should be encouraged for independence, self-motivation and development of a strong self-esteem. In our opinion this parenting style leaves a lot to be desired. It is far too strict, lacks the warmth and nurturing required in creating a positive and loving family environment. Walton concluded that the "Authoritarian Parenting Style" is not one that supports the fundamental principles of Positive

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