Organizational Loyalty Theory

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Organizational loyalty is the strength of the individuals and with their organization. According to the Allen & Meyer, loyalty is a psychological condition reflects the relationship of the individual in the organization in which he or she working. Also, Porter has identified the loyalty as a strength of correlation of the individual who working organization, and that the individual who shows a high level of organizational loyalty in the organization in which it activates it has a robust confidence to take the goals and values of the organization, ready to provide every possible exertion to serve the organization, and has a strong aspiration to continue working in such organization. The behavioral school focused on the mutual understanding…show more content…
The reporter selected Allen & Mayer’s model which is known as the three-factor-model of organizational commitment because it is based on three elements: 1. Emotional loyalty. This element is influenced by the degree to which an individual realizes the distinctive characteristics of his work in terms of the degree of independence, its importance, the required skills, the availability of supervision and guidance. It is also influenced by the degree of employee's sense of loyalty that the environment in which it operates allows active participation in the course of decision-making both in terms of work or its own…show more content…
Psychological empowerment is an administrative sense, but it is a psychological sense in the first place, in the sense that these feelings and motivations are not given to employees, but things are self-ingrained inside them and all the administration can do is to provide a climate and environment that support and promote these
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