Legalization Of Organ Donation Essay

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SUBJECT AREA OF STUDY (AREA OF STUDY) : Legalization OF Sale OF Human Organs CENTER NAME : Deccan International School CENTER NUMBER : IN725 CANDIDATE NAME: Akshay Rao CANDIDATE NUMBER: 0038 To quote an eminent authority on the subject 'Organ Transplantation is one of the miracles of modern medicine'. Sadly it is a glory that is out of reach for many thousands of people whose lives could be saved. Today we require more families to consent to donation of organs of their family members, more people to sign in for organ donation and for medical personnel to approach more families of potential donors. This would eventually help increase the supply of cadaveric organ.…show more content…
Organ Donation is when a person allows healthy transplant-able organs and tissues to be removed, either after death or while the donor is alive, and transplanted into another person. Common transplantations include: kidneys, heart, liver, pancreas, intestines, lungs, bones, bone-marrow, skin, and corneas. Some organs and tissues can be donated by living donors, such as a kidney or part of the liver, but most donations occur after the donor has died. There are two types of organ donation: living and deceased. Donated organs are given to someone who has damaged organs that need to be replaced. An organ transplant may save a person's life or significantly improve their health and quality of life. Rationale I would like to support the Legalization of Sale of Human Organs by finding an acceptable way to allow a meaningful compensation for some living unrelated kidney donors without breaching ethical principles or hurting the sensitivities of others. It could help solve a severe shortage of organs, if the donor was properly cared for and if monetary incentive makes a potential living donor ‘more willing’ to save another life, it may not be totally wrong to allow that. Perspectives Perspectives -

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