Concept Of Organizational Commitment

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Given current circumstances organizations are paying particular attention to one specific HRM practice that influences an organizations’ performance which is performance appraisal (Chen & Eldridge, 2010). Even though performance appraisals are considered as a necessity, both appraisers and appraisees dread the entire process (Lim & Ling, 2012). However, according to DeCenzo & Robbins (2013) conducting performance appraisals serve three important purposes: 1) providing two-way feedback between employees and supervisors 2) Developing employees and improving their performance 3) Documenting employees’ performance for legal reasons. In addition, performance appraisals serve as a basis for certain organizational decisions such as determining pay…show more content…
In this part, we will look at the definitions of organizational commitment as defined by different researchers in the field to have valuable insights in the topic. Earlier studies have conceptualized employee commitment as the employees‟ commitment to their organization. Organizational commitment has attracted researchers interested in behaviors of individuals in organizations and it is also a relatively stable attitude over time compared to job satisfaction (Porter et al. 1974). Even though organizational commitment has been the focus for most HRM theorists as it is more beneficial to the organization compared to other foci (targets) of employee commitment such as career commitment, recent studies have focused on the meaning of employee commitment which is a force that binds employees to an action which is relevant to the targets of commitment which include entities or behaviors. The targets or focus can be the organization, job, career, different units of different levels in the organizations such as top management, supervisors, groups, teams and leaders, or behaviors such as publishing their academic work, excellent teaching, customer/client etc. (Meyer and Herscovitch,…show more content…
It is a concept that has played an important part in HRM philosophy. Guest (1987) examined the purpose of HRM policies and suggested that HRM policies are designed to ‘maximize organizational integration, employee commitment, flexibility and quality of work’. In their study, Beer et al (1984) identified commitment in their concept of HRM as a key dimension because it ‘can result not only in more loyalty and better performance for the organization, but also in self-worth, dignity, psychological involvement, and identity for the

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