Ama Bank Case Study

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TASK -02 DISCUSS THE LEADERSHIP STYLE THAT THE BRANCH / CENTRE MANAGER EXHIBIT IN THE SELECTED ORGANIZATION AND EXPLAIN HOW IT MOTIVATES THE EMPLOYEES TO ACHIEVE ORGANIZATIONAL OBJECTIVES. Selected organization: Amana bank Leadership style that the branch manager exhibit 1. Autocratic style 2. Democratic style 3. Transactional style 4. Transformational style Autocratic style :- The autocratic leadership style allows mangers to make decision alone without the input of employees. No one challenges the decisions of manager. Democratic style :- The democratic leadership style values the input of the employees. But manager only decide the final decision. But employees make…show more content…
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs 2. E.R.G theory 3. Theory x and Theory y Maslow’s hierarchy of needs Maslow believed that people are motivated to fulfill their own needs. Every person start at the bottom of the pyramid and works to active the goal of the next layer. According to the article motivation theories is a definition of the different levels. • Self-actualization • Esteem • Affiliation • Security • Physiological The first level is the physiological needs. These are the basic needs that are to be met in order to survive, food, water, clothing, sleep. The next step is security which means that the person’s surrounding are not threatening him. If the environment seems to be safe then it means that there is a stability in the surrounding. The third level is affiliation which is the need to feel a since of belonging or to be loved in the workplace, this means to feel as though they are part of the group. The fourth level is explained as esteem. This is the view that one has of themselves. The person must have a high image of them self and encompass self-respect. The last and final stage is self-actualization. This level is defined as someone being all they can be and they have each of the previous stage. In this particular level the person’s talents re being completely utilized. This is a important to motivation because a person must be motivated to fulfill their needs and strive for the next level until they reach…show more content…
In short it includes an individual’s physiological ad physical safety needs. • Relatedness needs – these include the aspiration individuals have for maintaining significant interpersonal relationship getting public frame and recognition. Maslow’s social needs and external component of esteem needs fall under this class of need. • Growth needs – these includes need for self-development and personal growth. Maslow’s self-actualization needs and esteem needs fall under this category of need. Implications of the ERG

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