Organizational Behavior In The Workplace

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Organizational behavior Introduction: • Definition to the topic First let’s define organization, organization is defined as the group of different people working together on some purpose to achieve some goals. These organizations can be private and can public. Now as we said that group of people work together in an organization. These people who work show some behaviour in the organization, there is a variation in the behaviour of people while working alone and while working in the group. Organizational behaviour is the study of the people/employee behaviour while working in group or as an individual. • Problems There are different problems in an organization on individual level as well as on group level, Individual level problems:…show more content…
In organizations, counterproductive behaviour is visible as low job performance, absence from work, criminal activities and sexual harassment which can be serious harm for organization. Jex defined it as any employee who is a blockage in company’s achievement and growth is counterproductive. For example the less trained employee who lacks ability cannot perform well and can be a hindrance for company to achieve their goal (Jex 2002). A very general example of counterproductive behaviour is poor job performance. Often it becomes difficult for organizations to identify it and level at which it is happening and becomes very difficult to measure. Sometimes managers consider it as deliberate action while it is not in some cases. Any employee is not beneficial if he/she is not well trained. (Jex 2002) The employee’s talks can reduce counterproductive behaviours. This means communication is a way of transfer of thoughts (Rollinson…show more content…
It is regulated by various components like the tone of you and your supervisor, workplace environment, your commitment with work, etc. (Free Management Library 2008). Management should lay stress on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) to have more competition in organization. (Maharaj Schechter 2007). Job gratification is of two types i.e., extrinsic and intrinsic. Intinsic satisfaction is when the employee is satisfied with his work. And extrinsic is when employee is satisfied with the work conditions and feels comfortable with the organisational culture. The major organizational issues are due to internal changes in organization (Barley & Kunda 1992, Goodman & Whetten 1995). Workers mostly find their training as a reward, which provides them realization and motivation, make them more responsible, autonomous, advance, confident and more functional. Their personal and social life also gets enhanced. (Noe & Wilk 1993, Nordhaug 1989). By viewing different literary researches regarding organizational behaviour, we have noticed different counterproductive organizational behaviours and there causes like unclear communication, disloyalty to job, job satisfaction, etc. Changes in organizations have changed traditions. •
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