Online Shopping In Online Shopping

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Securing Online shopping system using visual cryptography Prof.D. B. Satre*, Varad Durugkar**,Akshay Ambekar***,Amit Kumar****,Sudarshan Patil***** *(Department of Information Technology,MMIT, Savitribai Fule Pune University,Lohgaon Email: ** (MMIT, Savitribai Fule Pune University,Lohgaon Email: ** (MMIT, Savitribai Fule Pune University,Lohgaon Email: ** (MMIT, Savitribai Fule Pune University,Lohgaon Email: ** (MMIT, Savitribai Fule Pune University,Lohgaon Email: ABSTRACT In today’s world of internet, various online attacks has been increased as well as spread and among them the most famous and harmful attack…show more content…
Identity theft and phishing are the common dangers of online shopping. Identity theft is the stealing of someone identity in the form of personal information and misuse of that information for making purchase and opening of bank accounts or arranging credit cards. Phishing is a criminal mechanism that employs both social engineering and technical subterfuge to steal consumers personal identity data and financial account credentials. We can use Visual cryptography in our project for security purpose. For services such asPayment Service, Financial and Retail Service are the most targeted industrial sectors of phishing attacks. However, one must still trust merchant and its employees not to use consumer information for their own purchases and not to sell the information to others. In our project there are three parts that are Client, Merchant server, Bank…show more content…
Also known as “man-in-the-middle,” the hacker is finded in between the original website and the phishing systems. The phisher accessas well as traces details during a transaction between the legitimate website and the user. As the user continues to send information, it is gathered and store by the phishers, without the user knowing about it. Instant Messaging: It is the method in which the user receives a message with a link directing them to a fake phishing website which has the similar look and feel as the authorized website. If the user doesn’t look at the URL, it may be difficult to tell the difference between the fraud and authorized websites. Then, the user is asked to provide personal sensitive data on the page. for phisher personal use they can use users stolen data. III. VISUAL

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