Occupational Therapy

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An Occupational Therapist functions to help patients perform daily activities at home, school and work. In most cases, patients lost these abilities following a disabling condition of the physical, mental, emotional or developmental kind. The therapist typically works with a team of medical professionals, possibly to include doctors, speech pathologists, physical therapists and psychologists to treat the patient. Many associate occupational therapy with children, yet adults also benefit from this type of care, especially those who have suffered a traumatic brain injury or other type of medical crisis. Physicians typically refer patients for this type of care, although a patient and/or his or her loved ones may request a consultation with an…show more content…
The goal of this therapy is to help the patient live a productive and independent life, one that is satisfying to them. The patient may learn to appropriately respond to sensory information or learn how to better interact with and communicate with others. OT jobs often involve working with a patient to identify any barriers in the patient's environment and come up with solutions that allow the patient to participate in activities within the home, community, school or work place. Technology often plays a large role in these solutions, as assistive technology devices and supports benefit many. The therapist identifies those devices and supports which will be of most benefit and assists the patient in learning to use these devices. In addition, therapist works with the patient, his or her family and caregivers to prepare everyone for any changes in their roles or routines that may occur as a result of the therapy or the progress being made by the…show more content…
As treatment progresses, these expectations may need to be changed based on the patient and how he or she is adapting and growing with the services. Occupational therapy helps many and can allow them to lead a more fulfilling life, yet it must be balanced with all other considerations to ensure it is an appropriate part of a treatment plan and helps the patient more than it harms him or her. In the majority of cases, a modified treatment plan allows the patient to received need services while allowing the family to continue to be fulfilled as a

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