Occupational Therapy Reflection

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OT’s distinct value is to improve health and quality of life through facilitating participation and engagement in occupations, the meaningful, necessary, and familiar activities of everyday life (AOTA, 2015). Occupational therapy is client centered, achieves positive outcomes, and is cost effective (AOTA, 2015). In today’s society, not many people know about occupational therapy and what our distinct values are. It is important as an OTA student to give a voice to the OT profession and how I plan on doing that. Giving a voice to OT will empower the profession, and the people that dedicate their lives to it. In order to give a voice to occupational therapy, we must first identify what we do and spread the word to the community. “Occupational therapy helps individuals improve their abilities to perform everyday activities and establish independence by promoting the development of cognitive, sensory, physical and motor skills” (April is Occupational Therapy Month, 2015). Occupational therapy helps members of the community to thrive in the environment such as their…show more content…
My typical answer is that occupational therapy helps people participate in everyday activities and our priority goal is to make our patients as independent as possible. I really enjoy giving information about occupational therapy and I often recommend it to people that would benefit from our services. As an occupational therapy practitioner, it is important to have a holistic perspective on our patients and to focus on adapting the environment to fit the person. That is the beautiful thing about occupational therapy; we look at our patients as a whole and not just what their diagnoses are, but that they are individuals who need help in participating in activities of daily living. I believe that occupational therapy must be client centered in order to achieve the best outcomes and

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