Occupational Therapy

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Upon reflecting on my first year as an occupational therapy (OT) student, I am now able to say that I have learnt so much about my future profession in such a short space of time. Although my knowledge has expanded as result of many different experiences, there are two events that stood out most to me. My knowledge and understanding of the importance of occupation to occupational therapy has developed immensely due to these two significant events, namely our problem-based learning (PBL) sessions at the beginning of the year and more recently my fieldwork experience. Purposeful activity in occupational therapy is probably the main factor that OTs use during treatment. It can be described as tasks or experiences in which the individual actively…show more content…
Whilst at fieldwork it became clear to me as to how important this relationship is because both client and therapist are seeking to reach the same goals. When observing. A therapeutic relationship is something that develops over time, I was able to observe this whilst seeing how the therapists and clients interact with each other. Because it is a rehab center many of the patients are there for long periods of time and therefore form very good relationship with all members of the multidisciplinary team. It is noticeable as the therapists would converse and laugh with the patients they had been treating for a while yet still being able to maintain their professional self. I was also able to notice how the patients trusted the therapists with any activity during a therapy session, influencing this could be the fact that the therapists explained and described the task fully making the patient aware of how it will be beneficial to them, any risks that might be involved and mainly after explanation allowing the patient the choice of participating in the…show more content…
This process consists of evaluation, intervention and outcomes. The OT process is based on initial and repeated assessments. The OT works in collaboration with the patient focussing on individual and environmental abilities and problems related to the activities or occupations that take place in the patient's daily life. The first stage is evaluation this is where most of the interviewing, assessments and observation take place. These assessments include the use of standardised procedures, interviews, observations in a variety of settings and also through consultation with significant people (i.e. caretakers, spouses, children, parents, etc.) in the patient's life. The second stage is intervention- Intervention focuses on programs that are oriented and designed to suit that patient’s specific needs according to their dysfunction and their environment. These are designed to facilitate improved performance of everyday tasks and if necessary the adaptation of work, home or social settings in order to accommodate the patient. This is where purposeful activities and the use of occupation comes in because the OT will design and adhere to treatment plans that facilitate the patient. Examples include teaching new techniques to the patient and providing or recommending equipment which will facilitate independence in personal management as well as reducing environmental

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