Conceptual Models And Occupational Therapy (OT)

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In this assignment the roles that conceptual models and the occupational therapy (OT) process play in OT will be discussed in detail. Examining the many benefits of them and the way in which they are linked to one another will be central in this essay. Without a doubt they are of great importance in the practice of occupational therapy and after studying this piece it will be obvious as to why they are both crucial tools to an occupational therapist (OT). To commence, the OT process and how pivotal it is in practice will be explained. The process is defined as the action OT’s take in practice resulting in a healthcare service which is client focused and involving occupational performance (AOTA, 2014). Punwar (2000) expresses the OT process…show more content…
According to Kielhofner, conceptual models allow theories to direct therapists when they deal with specific observations that relate to the model (2008). Theories are what form conceptual models as they describe the concepts of each model to OTs and they also help individuals outside of the field understand occupational therapy (AOTA, 2014). Young and Quinn (1992) are cited in Kielhofner’s MOHO (2008) and they deepen our understanding regarding the function of these models. They believe that conceptual models “Provide a framework for complex data, facilitate communication of ideas, and suggest predictions about the real world and stimulate the development of theories”…show more content…
Using MOHO and the Person-Environment-Occupation (PEO) model this point will be discussed. When the PEO model is applied to a client who has irreversible disabilities, the model can be employed to emphasize environment and occupation when planning intervention so that both factors can be examined and altered as much as possible to suit the client’s needs. When measuring outcomes at the end of the OT process, the process is influenced by the PEO model as the outcome being measured is occupational performance. During the intervention stage, one of the core concepts of PEO needs to be modified (i.e. person, environment or occupation) by integrating it into the intervention. The three core concepts are linked which results in the occupational performance. By changing one variable, the occupational therapist can figure out which area has a negative effect on occupational performance. (AOTA,

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