Nutrition Personal Statement

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I have always recognised the importance of a well-balanced diet to a healthy way of living. I would like to combine my interest in healthy eating with a career in which I can help others to have a better and healthier way of living by changing their dietary habits as a Dietician. Looking at obesity rates in the developed world continuing to increase, I believe dieticians will have an increasingly important role to play in combating the health problems within the society. Having learnt a great deal about both nutrition and the nature of dieticians’ work in recent years, I am aware that the role is a challenging one. However, I am passionate about helping people to lead healthier lives, and as a consequence I am determined to follow this career path and play a role…show more content…
Part of my motivation from nutrition comes from my work experience at a local nursery and as a child care worker. During this role it has helped me develop knowledge of the nutritional needs of a child and the food needed for childhood development.Working so closely with children, I am highly aware of the fact that a good-quality diet does not just have a highly positive effect on a child’s long-term development, but also has a very important impact on a child’s day-to-day behaviour including social and emotional development. Looking at the statistics ,children are not being properly fed a nutritionally balanced diet are going to be prone to feeling tired, unhappy and unable to concentrate, which is holding them back from their capability to learn things and play. I have always made great efforts when working as helper at the nursery to learn as

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