Nursing Theories Of Caring Research

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I think many will agree that the one resounding characteristic in a nurse is caring. I too agree with this acknowledgment, and have personally had the privilege to experience this in my own nursing practice. Among the numerous nursing grand theories I think I associate myself most with the Caring Theorists. According to Meleis (2012) the caring theories where driven by two questions: “what do nurses do”, which is easily answered by caring for patients, “How do nurses do what they do” which is just as easily answered by caring for patients. So, as a nurse, what I do is care for patients, by caring for patients. Caring starts with the basic needs of patients but extends much deeper into the person and their entire existence. This includes every facet of themselves and their…show more content…
From their spiritual center to their mental foundation, a person is not only mind, body and soul but also part of their environment. Environment plays a large part in practicing as an Emergency room nurse. In this department caring for patients can sometimes be a challenge. Nurses that choose to practice in this environment are challenged daily, by not only the dire situations, but also with their patients. Some patients are treated in the emergency department because of bad choices they made and continue to make. Others are in the department because of lack of compliance. Some are seen in the department simply to feed an addiction they have developed. All of these patients in the eyes of a caring theorist Jean Watson, would be considered to be “experiencing an imbalance caused by a deficit in human transcending, disharmony among the mind, body and soul, between person and world” (Meleis, 2012, pg 173). It is paramount in nursing to practice unconditional

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