External Criticism Of Nursing Theory

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Internal Criticism Clarity: The theory provides a framework for caring for older people with the help of the Roy Adaptation Model (RAM). A clear definition of successful aging is provided by the author. The theory broadly describes the constructs, which are associated with successful aging while caring for elderly patients. The constructs include mental, physical, and spiritual aspects. The theoretical clarity is supported by the well-defined constructs, and their relationship to each other and to successful aging. Nurses can easily understand the language used in the successful aging theory. The interventions in the theory are clearly explained and are not only for nurses but also for the caregivers who care for older adults. Consistency:…show more content…
Nursing, aging, environment, health, and a synthesis are the five concepts identified by the author in the successful aging theory, and they are easily understandable without lengthy descriptions and explanations. The diagram in the theory explains the interrelationships of the theory components. However, the theory is adequately parsimonious because it shows the relationships between the constructs and clearly defines and explains the concepts of successful aging. Discrimination: The criterion of discrimination is based on the theory’s ability to distinguish itself as a nursing theory and separates itself from the other health disciplines (Barnum, 1990). Due to lack of any other helpful nursing theories of aging, Flood’s theory provides the interventions for mental, physical, and spiritual aspects of older peoples to guide nursing care. The author used the deductive reformulation for the development of the theory. The theory can produce the hypothesis that will lead to research results in aging persons nursing…show more content…
The basic assumptions of the theory represent the real world of nursing practice for older patients. Managing the care of older people is an essential part of the nursing. The theory addresses the three aspects (mental, physical, and spiritual) of aging that nurses observe in their clients. This successful theory can be implemented practically to the care for older adults. Pragmatic: This is a pragmatic theory that can be used by nurses in real life settings. The theory is helpful for nurses in observing and understanding the patient’s physical, mental, and spiritual health needs and also provides the interventions for the health-related aging issues. Interventions based on the successful aging theory include offering exercise, health education about the chronic conditions, and providing a quiet area for self-reflection, which are low in cost and can be easily taught to the healthcare providers (Flood,

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