Date Rape Research Paper

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DATE RAPE DRUGS “What exactly are date rape drugs? Technically speaking, any substance that renders you incapable of saying no or asserting yourself and your needs can be used to commit rape” (Teen 2015). These drugs are unable to be found in drinks. They have no taste, smell, or color. These drugs, like many others, can make a person become incapable of thinking for themselves. This causes the victim to become very passive, which makes them an easy target. The victim is still able to play a role in the situation, but the victim will have no memory of what happened. Because the victims often have little to no memory of the events, they make a poor witness (Teen 2015). These drugs are very easily accessed, generally in college towns and on…show more content…
The most common date rape drug is Rohypnol. Rohypnol also has a few other street names including: Roofies, Forget pill, Circles, and Roach (Fact 2015). With today’s technology the new pills now will change dark drinks a cloudy color and light drinks a bright blue color; they also leave chunks in the drinks. Rohypnol is in the same sedative family as valium, but ten times as strong (Uhs 2015). Rohypnol is tasteless, odorless, and colorless pill that dissolves in liquid. It last about 2-8 hours, it goes into effect 10-20 minutes after consumption. “It is a strong tranquilizer and causes extreme sleepiness, amnesia, problems talking, and muscle relaxation” (Van Der Zande…show more content…
Gamma Hydroxybutyrate is most commonly known as “GHB” (Fact 2015). You can find GHB in many different forms, including: liquid, tablet, and also powder. Often, GHB has a salty taste. While under the influence of GHB, you feel calm, relaxed, and sensual. Women often lose their inhibition. It cancan cause a sudden deep sleep if taken in a large dose (Van Der Zande 2015). "GHB is a depressant originally developed in the 1980s as a surgical anesthetic. Most GHB on the market is homemade, and there is a huge variation in potency and purity between batches" (Uhs 2015). It is very erratic, no one person can be exact on how it will affect them (Uhs 2015). GHB is one of the most dangerous drugs; less than half a teaspoon of liquid GHB, or even as little as one to two grams can cause seizure, coma, or death (Uhs 2015). Ketamine has several street names including the following: K, Special K, and Vitamin K. “It is legal by prescription only” (Uhs 2015). “Ketamine is a rapid acting intravenous or intramuscular, therefore injectable, anesthetic agent, which causes sedation and amnesia” (Lyle 2015). You can purchase it illegally at parties usually for twenty five to fifty dollars per gram (Uhs

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