Horizontal Violence In Nursing

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Horizontal violence is a growing epidemic in the nursing profession especially among nursing students and newly registered nurses. In 2010 one out of six nurses had been impacted by horizontal violence, and this number is on the rise because seventy-eight percent of nurses that have been victimized have not reported horizontal violence to their manager, also sixty percent of all new nurses leave their job within the first six months due to violence in their work place (Hegal, 2010). Violent behaviors in nursing cause high attrition rate in schools which causes decreased retention (keeping nurses in the workforce) causing a nurse shortage all around the world. Students experience deterioration conditions, lack of resources, minimal mentoring…show more content…
These acts can range from nonphysical (abuse of power, verbal, financial and emotional abuse) to physical (homicide) (Huston, 2010). Thomas (2010) stated that there is no cohesive definition of violence. In her article she defines violence as an intimidation act of verbal or physical abuse that creates stress, fear, and loss of confidence. Violence causes poor staff retention, property damage, poor attendance rates, workers compensation costs, decreased productivity and nursing burnout (Hegney, Tuckett, Parker &Eley, 2010). Since more and more nurses are victims of nurse-to-nurse violence and trying to take on more and more responsibilities, this causes higher level of stress making it hard for the nurse to give competent care to their patients, and also causes nurse…show more content…
Violence is causing nursing shortages all over the world. In a study fifty-eight percent of newly registered nurses believed that experienced nurses undervalued their potential, and thirty-four percent were prevented from engaging in learning opportunities, experienced interpersonal conflict, subjected to rudeness, humiliated and received inappropriate criticism from experienced nurses (Thomas, 2010). It is very crucial that students and newly registered nurses participate in learning opportunities to grow professionally and improve on skills already learned. Without those learning opportunities care given to patients suffers and the nurse begins to fill the effects of nurse burnout from doing the same thing over and over again day after day. Experienced nurses that show violent behaviors usually have unrealistic expectations of new nurses assuming that they are capable of performing at a much higher level of practice, and they may use negative comments such as “It will take more time for me to explain it to you than for me to do it myself” and “This is not a good time for you to practice on these patients.” (Thomas, 2010). The example commits decrease the student’s self-esteem because they feel like they cannot do anything right, and they lose opportunities to learn when the registered nurse does the procedure by his/herself and not allowing the student to help or be

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