Negative Effects Of Media Violence

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The users of technology shape the technology’s purpose as the technology shapes the users’ culture. Understanding how YouTube got to the point of reaching hundreds of millions a day is important. Negroponte (1995) suggested that the internet was becoming more socially oriented in the 1990s. His postulations were supported with the development of what DiNucci (1999) called Web 2.0: interactive content, consistent updates, and a more reliable and constant real-time connection to other people. Manovich (2008) stated that before 2000, the web was mostly a publishing medium, and since has become more communication oriented. Palfrey and Gasser (2008) suggested that most of the problems people face on the internet is rooted in real space; the internet…show more content…
Disturbing images and hateful messages are eating away at our children’s innocence. The amount of violence that children see affects them negatively, according to psychological research. Media includes the whole range of modern communication tools: television, radio, the internet (YouTube). Rick Nauert (2009) stated that violent media affect someone’s willingness to offer help to an injured person. Bushman (2009) professor of psychology and communications pointed out that violent media can reduce the helping behaviour within them and lead to misbehaviour. He further elaborated that people who are exposed to media violence are less helpful to others in need because they are comfortably numb to the pain and suffering of others. Media Violence (2010) article explains that media violence can be attributed to varieties of physical and mental health problems for children and adolescents, including aggressive and violent behaviour, bullying, fear, depression, nightmares, and sleep disturbances. Children, adolescents and young adults are easily influenced and they learn by observing, imitating and adopting behaviours. On the other hand, even are also badly affected from media violence. Meanwhile, repetitive exposure to violence leads to a learning effect in the brain as humans tend to imitate what they see others doing by Flynn (2012). In addition, violent images can also lead to aggressive thoughts and feelings already stored in the brain while exposure to sexual content in movies influences sexual behaviours among adolescents. Douglas Gentile and Brad Bushman (2010) among others, suggested that exposure to media violence is just one of several factors that can contribute to aggressive behaviour. Further elaborated, exposure to media violence can desensitize people to violence in the real world and that, for some people, watching violence in the media
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