Cultural Conflict Analysis

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The partition of India lead to massive movement of people and ethnic fight across Indian–Pakistan border. Hundreds of thousands of people died in this conflict. These happenings made tension between India and Pakistan. Today, apart from the significant economic progress. India is still facing tremendous problems like poverty, environmental pollution, over population as well as ethnic and religious conflicts between Hindus and Muslims. Post–colonial novel leaks the themes of Diaspora and transculturalism. The most increasing and interesting topics rely on the post colonialism period. Diaspora is generally violent and necessary migration of peoples from their homeland to other regions. As a central event in colonization, the Diaspora…show more content…
The dilemma of cultural conflict can be shown through the suffering of woman in the multi–cultural society of America. People want to immigrate with the aim to reach better prospects in a foreign land. This often ends in a disaster as they struggle to adopt themselves in the new situations. A kind of exile and homelessness are skilled by the immigrants. The America with a hybrid culture invites a large number of immigrants from all corners of the world. Migrants from the third-world countries take shelter in America in the hope of better professional prospects because American society always accepts diverse cultures and ethnicity. Inspite of the open bosom of America, new shelter for their essential affinity with their homeland and for the inability to cope up with the complexity of high technology feel alienated and suffer from loneliness. The immigrants themselves are caught in the old world values and the New world promises. The progressive and sophisticated life style of immigrants were conditioned with the needs of the individual and the chances of bright future in the professional…show more content…
The plot of the novel revolves around four central characters: Jemubhai Patel, the retired Cambridge educated judge: Sai, his granddaughter: Gyan, Sai’s maths tutor: and Biju, the judge’s cook’s son. The character’s hopes and dreams are taken in the novel, long with their ultimate dream of immigrating to America and finally excepting the rigid caste system of their homeland. The story is set in the 1980s in Kalimpog, located in the northern part of India near Darjeeling. The novel begins when the house of a retired judge is robbed by members of a separatist Nepali insurgent group – the GNLF (Gorkha National Liberation Front). This robbery is really one of the last events of the plot, chronologically, but the rest of the events are described after the robbery. Throughout the novel, the book cuts back and forth between the story of Sai, an orphan who lives with the judge – his cook- judge’s grandfather – ; the story of the cook’s son Biju, who just moved to America; and the story of the judge himself and his opening trip to England to go to law school in 1969. Sai was orphaned at a young age by her parents’ death, is seventeen years old, and lives with her grandfather and his cook in the Himalayas, at the foot of Mount Kanchenjunga, in

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