Ethical Issues In Information Technology

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Ethical issues are measured with the help a central principle. This principle is supposed to help us understand the right from wrong. However, the conflict between personal freedoms and rights, leads to ethical issues. Ethical issues in information technology are examined with respect to four aspects, privacy, property, authenticity, and right to information. Intellectual Property Rights and Their Types Intellectual Property (IP) is a creation of the human mind, for which exclusive legal rights of ownership are assigned. This means that an IP can be used for commercial gain, as its unauthorised use is prohibited. Examples of IPs include various inventions, methods, or even literary and artistic works. They also can be designs, symbols, or…show more content…
Patents can be sold or licenced for use, by their original owner. Copyright A copyright can be issued for a literary or artistic work. For example, a song or a painting can be brought under a copyright. This allows the original creator to control the reproduction or adaptation of the copyrighted work. Trademark Any distinctive sign that is used to differentiate a product or service, can be declared as a trademark. For example, a company’s logo or product label can be trademarked. This is important for many companies, as logos are often associated to a brand and its quality. Design An aesthetic style of a product can be prevented from unauthorised use. However, a protected design does not secure the right of the product’s functionality. So, the shape of a car can be protected, which allows its creator to legally reproduce the design. Database Similar to a copyright, a protected database restricts the reproduction of its information. It prevents the copying of the substantial parts of the database. For example, a collection of photographs or short stories can be protected, to avoid its illegal…show more content…
Increasing application of ICT is responsible for extensive information-sharing. A number of large companies in Information Technology (IT) sector, collect information from their customers. Government is also known to create massive databases of its citizens. Additionally, many government institutions are also known to set up electronic surveillance. Such operations are designed to access information from the public. Often, data is intercepted without the knowledge of the concerned individual. Electronic Surveillance The data collected under electronic surveillance may include your healthcare records, financial transactions, and even web surfing behaviour. Even the political views expressed by you on Internet can be recorded. In many cases, an electronic surveillance threatens the individual rights. These right include the right to privacy, the freedom of expression, etc. Also, if leaked, such information may leave you vulnerable to threats posed by cybercrime. Your personal information may fall into the hands of fraudsters, who may proceed to scam you. Hence, the potential misuse of personal data is a major concern related to electronic surveillance. Data Protection on the

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