National Honor Society Essay Examples

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I want to be a part of the National Honor Society to help others, get involved in my school and town, and work with other students who care about their community. It has taken me way too long to realize that life about more than just grades, but now that I have, I want to spend a lot of time serving and improving my community. Through my hard work in classes, serving and volunteering, and perseverance, I have exemplified the qualities of leadership, service, character, and scholastic excellence throughout my high school career. Leadership and knowing how to work efficiently with others are very vital qualities for success in school and life. During the summer of 2015, I worked at a Christian ranch in Montana and learned so much about leadership. As a crew girl, my job involved a lot of cleaning, setting tables, serving food, interacting with campers (families and children) and staff, but also a lot of fun. I experienced first hand that the best way to lead people is to be willing to work hard and put others above yourself. The other crucial part of leadership is attitude. Even a monotonous job like wiping tables can be done with joy. I was able to be a leader to the other staff by putting forth a positive attitude and serving campers well.…show more content…
My family started volunteering in the kitchen at a church program called ‘Foster Parent’s Night Out’ a few years ago- a program that gives foster parents a date night or break from their kids.The best part is seeing the kids and hearing their stories. One week, two siblings who had been split up into different households came and finally got to be reunited. Stories like that make serving so worthwhile. Another way I have started serving is by being a peer tutor. As of September, I have only done one tutoring session, but I am really excited to continue because it gives me a chance to help

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