National Junior Honor Society Essay Examples

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When I was inducted into the Lafayette National Junior Honor Society it brought a feeling of pride, being inducted into a program like this pushed you to do your best and be rewarded for the hard work and kindness that is expected of you when inducted. I know I worked so hard to be inducted I pushed myself to get better grades and become a better student so I could be a part of this group that all my friend were going to be a part of. National Junior Honor Society shaped the student and person I became. I started really becoming a part in the community and volunteered more in the community. I am very involved in sports and National Junior Honor Society taught me to be a more well rounded student and focus on my grades just as much as I focused on my sports. It…show more content…
I was greeted everyday with a hug. We encourage the kids to be active while we incorporated informational activities as well. Teaching church school was also a great experience for me to incorporate activities where the kids would have fun but learn as well, being younger allowed be to relate and remember more clearly how it felt to go to church school how boring it was and try to put more active and fun ways to learn about their religion. After high school I am going into a challenging major at Daemen College. I know it will be hard and will take a lot of effort but I set goals for myself. National Junior Honor Society is the reason I started setting goals for myself because it was the my first big academic achievement. When I was in third grade I was diagnosed with absence seizures, my parents and school decided it would benefit me to stay back and repeat the year to gain the information that I missed because of my seizure disorder. Subsequently I was very hard on myself I felt like a failure like I couldn't live up to my sister and all she accomplished in her academic and when I was inducted into the National

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