Ray Douglas Bradbury's Life And Accomplishments

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Ray Douglas Bradbury was an American horror, science fiction, fantasy, and mystery author, who became one of the most celebrated authors of the 20th century. Though the majority of his works are centered on humanistic themes, Bradbury was best known for his science fiction. As an esteemed author Bradbury has written over four hundred short stories and novelettes. Bradbury’s inspiration as an author and his writings were much influenced by the interests of his childhood. His experiences as a child are what allowed him to create the stories that shape the author he is seen as today. The combination of his inspiration, the stories that came from those inspirations, and his ability to predict the technology of the future, is why Bradbury is considered one of the best science fiction writers of his time. Bradbury was born on August 22, 1920, in the town of Waukegan, Illinois. His father, Leonard Bradbury, was a lineman with the Waukegan Bureau of Power and Light. His mother, Esther Bradbury, immigrated to the United States from Sweden at a young age. Bradbury would also have had an older brother and younger sister though sadly his brother died before he was born and his sister died in infancy. When Bradbury was young his mother took him to many plays, in which he enjoyed. Two examples being The Hunchback…show more content…
His stories grew in popularity so quickly that by the late 1940’s his work was beginning to be published in much larger magazines such as The New Yorker, Saturday Evening Post, and Mademoiselle. Due the magazines more than fair pay Bradbury was able to marry a woman named Marguerite Susan McClure, a former English teacher at the University of California in Los Angeles. Bradbury continued to write stories for the magazines during the 1950’s. However, around the 1950’s was when Bradbury wrote his most notable works

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