My Vacation In My Life

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For vacation at my dad last when i was a 6th grader year we went to idaho and went to a water park called silver wood we left thursday at about 6:00 pm and in the way down we stopped at the Multomah falls and we also brought our boat and my dad drove all night to idaho we slept most of the way we got there about 2:30 and went up to a campsite that we went to last year and there are a lot of stupid deer standing in the road and on the side of the road we drive up the road and find a campsite it is a little bit light outside so we loaded some stuff out of the truck and set up the tent layed are foam mattress in the tent along with our sleeping bags blanket and pillows and we went back to sleep and woke up and had breakfast and had bacon and…show more content…
and we go fish and catch catfish and 15 in bass it is really fun we can't even keep worms on the hook most of the time it is rill fun to me it is one of my favorite kinds of fishing and we go and park the boat by our camp and then we have dinner and go to sleep it gets rilly hot like 102 and we can barely sleep and i hear fish rump all night and in the morning we have breakfast and i fish with a loure and i snag a bass and one bites and there's a really big carp that i can see sometimes and i snagged it once and had it on for a minute snagged but the hook came out and we make breakfast and i am still fishing and we eat and i get bites after break fast we go and fish out on our boat and we catch fish like all was and come back and play around at our camp all day and i can't get my knee wet so i just soak my feet and i fish a little bit and we have dinner and we go to sleep and we hear thunder and lightning and it sprinkles a little bit and it feels good and we pack up our stuff in the morning and we have breakfast and my dad takes all ost a bath in the river and we head off to wallowa…show more content…
It takes a little bit to get there and we get there we set up camp and have dinner we have seen a mountain goat up in the mountains behind us and we go to sleep and wake up in the morning and have breakfast and we wait a while why we get our water shoes my dad lets me swim but we have to clean it afterwards last year i caught a really big carp at the river buy our camp and we blow up our inner tubes and play in the water and float down the river for most of the day and after we play in the water we get our fly fishing poles read and set up since we haven't used them in like a year so we get the ready and then we go fish and to a few spots that we went to last year and we didn't really catch anything we think the fly that we were using dident hach yet so they didn't bite it so we went back to camp and had dinner and went to sleep and the next day we have break fat we leave to morrow and wait a little bit till it gets hot amd then we go swim for the whole day and then have dinner then we go to sleep then we wake up in the morning then we pack up and go home and that is my

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