A Short Story: My Mother Is A Strong Mother

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My mother was a strong woman. Worked her fingers to the bone day and night, she worked for her children and barely knew the meaning of the word rest. Never minded the fact that she was sick weak and tired of struggling, she pressed on because she had mouths to feed and a household to care for. In a household that took her for granted, she skipped not one beat but that look in her eye was a screaming plea for help. Her strength to press and carry on moved my soul and her smile was a high five from God. I watched her daily as she pulled herself from the bed to nurture the world but better known as her responsibilities. Her inner pain and failing health was overshadowed by the legacies she raised because she knew time would not stand still if…show more content…
But what did I know? I was just a little nappy headed baby boy who thought his mother was God because when I was sad she delivered me from it, her love was church and I glorified in the temple. Her pill bottles told another story, one I was never able to comprehend. Two for her heart, one for hypertension and breathing through a tube for asthma, each one played her synthetic Jesus and as soon as she got attached they fled the scene but my mother was strong woman. She knew she was the sarcophagus of the women that traveled the blood that flowed through her veins and their fights and struggles were casted spells in order for her to go on. Her presence--my favorite color, her laugh-- my favorite song and she was the greatest poem God ever wrote. No need for edits, he knew she was a rough draft that would author five of the greatest autobiographies ever written. Each one tailored with punctuation marks meant for their life. She authored each one with the reverse side of every mistake she ever made and she made sure each one was a best seller because my mother was a strong woman. February 1, 1991, a day I wish I could erase from memory. I woke up to what I thought

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