My Dream Trip

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Today I will be talking about the time my cousins and I took a trip to New York. This was an amazing opportunity since it had always been a dream of us to visit the city. New York is one of the cities most people would like to visit. Summer of 2017 my cousin Yajaira had finally turned 18, so we decided to take a trip to New York. Going to New York has always been our dream vacation since it’s a city that is known to be so popular and many fun and interesting attractions. We never thought we were going to get to travel to New York in real life because it is a dream that most people have, yet never get to accomplish. However we did, and y’all just don’t know how exciting it was. We experienced a lot of new things like, the set they used for…show more content…
Right when we got to the hotel the first thing we wanted to do was explore the shopping malls. They had amazing outfits, I wanted to buy everything! Most of our vacation we went shopping because all three of us love shopping. Later on that night we decided to go eat pizza, since they say New York pizza is the best. We went to the nearest pizza place, It was called Pizza Suprema. They had the largest slices of pizza i’ve ever seen in my life! The pepperonis on those slices of pizza where the size of an apple! So we ordered two slices of pizza for the three of us we had to share, they were too big for one person alone! The pizza was really good! We loved it. I agree with the people that say New York pizza is the best pizza, because it really is the best pizza! We stayed in one of the best hotels in New York, they had amazing personal and a great service. Everyone was very welcoming and helpful they gave us good breakfast during our stay. Also let’s not even talk about how big and clean the rooms were, there was even a jacuzzi. It was so much…show more content…
We also met so many new people. Everybody there was so nice to us, and helped us find places, since we didn't know where everything in the city was. We visited many new places, very nice places we had never seen in Houston! One of the funnest part of our vacation was the night we visited a club in New York, since it was my cousins birthday vacation we decided to visit a club. We meet a lot of people there also! We partied with them until the next morning! we had so much fun, people in New York are so much fun and very nice. That was our first time going to a club out of Houston. Clubs over there are so much bigger. New York looks amazing at night it has a lot of lights and most of the people just walk around to admire the beautiful city. We also visited central park, there was so many people there. And in New York Downtown they had a ton of restaurants we went to one where they sell crepes they tasted so good! Best vacations we ever had. We visited so many places in New York, I never thought it was going to be so much fun. We also met so many new people. Everybody there was so nice to us, and helped us find places, since we didn't know where everything in the city was. We visited many new places, very nice places we had never seen in
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