My Future Dream Job

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I am interested in this HeadStart@HKUST program, which I think it is the most suitable 3-in-1 program for a Year 2 student like me, as I have some problems on my career and I need some help from mentors. Till now, I have still been trying to explore my future dream job. As I am majoring in Biotechnology and Business, I am able to develop my career in both aspects, but I don’t know which field would be better for me. Additionally, I am afraid Hong Kong would not be a suitable place to develop biotechnology. Accordingly, I need to be more familiarized to these workplaces and how these sectors run, in order to make a wise choice on my career pathway. Throughout this program, I am sure I can have more understanding of the real world and also able to equip with more soft skills. These skillsets would be vital to my daily life and future workplace. My expectation after joining this program is to self-transform, like being more proactive and always curious about things surrounding me, and have a clear vision towards my future career goals.…show more content…
I admired him not only for his talent, but able to find many opportunities and even achieved his career goals, which is being an entrepreneur. I appreciated him so much, because finding a dream job in Hong Kong is already uneasy, but establishing your business in Hong Kong is even more challenging, as you may have to follow the government rules or the society’s feedback. That’s why he is my role model and I hope I can grab my ideal job after I graduated no matter how hard it
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