Pros And Cons Of Chemical Engineering

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Anyone in the environment can dream about getting a job when they are older. I can relate for my dream about two jobs that have been on my mind, Engineering and Animating. There are many jobs for Engineering, but the one I am highly interested in is Chemical Engineering. I have an interest in Biology and science, but I also relate to create useful objects out of anything as well. Chemical engineering has both of those subjects, you can mix up chemicals and you get to build equipment for the world as well. Animation, however, is just the name of it. A person can create characters that they think of through technology and that aspect can move around or do anything the person considers in the animation. Although this sounds considerably of an interesting job, you need to know what to do, how to complete it, and background about the job. Here are what you need to do for these two jobs. A job I had resided in my mind first was Chemical Engineering. This job uses the parts of Biology, Chemistry, Math, and Physics and they plan the design some equipment and then design it. In 2016, an estimate of 32,700 jobs was held in different facilities. They work in offices, laboratories,…show more content…
They are the two jobs that I have thought about having for a career in my upcoming future. One thing that I have investigated from the Animating job is that you can have your workplace anywhere. For example, you can have it at home, in an office, or even in the industry. As long as there is technology there to help with drawing. It is also simple to teach a person’s artistic skill. Chemical Engineering however, it requires a lot of mastery of science and math to get this job. The science part being Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Any job can be available and best for anyone. After all of the research between the two jobs, Chemical Engineering and Animating are still in my mind for any occupation in my future

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